The Certificate Award is for recognition of individuals or groups for outstanding service to the Canadian orchid world. To be awarded by the COC on the basis of well supported proposals by member society(s) or individuals.
Proposals will be accepted by the COC secretary up to four months before the AGM at which the certificate(s) are to be awarded. (In extenuating circumstances the President may waive the four month requirement.)
The proposals should be no more than one page in length and should indicate
- The name of the Candidate
- The category being honoured
- Justification why the candidate deserves the honour (not to exceed 500 words)
- national service
- research excellence
- conservation contributions etc
- Who supports the nomination.
Criteria: To be awarded to individuals or groups for one or more of the following:
- Outstanding service to the Canadian Orchid community in organization, promotion or leadership.
- Outstanding achievement in orchid research, hybridizing, culture or conservation.
Number per year: No limit, based on merit.
Selection Process: Well supported proposals by member society(s), or individuals. The COC President may wish to establish a committee to research and propose candidates, but this should not preclude others to make submissions.
Approval process: By majority vote of the COC Executive to be ratified at the annual meeting.
Awarding: To be awarded at a special event such as at the COC annual meeting.
Publication: To be celebrated, and published in the COC newsletter with appropriate commentary.