The Canadian Orchid Congress is an association of Canadian Orchid Societies that is dedicated to serve the Canadian orchid-growing public. An orchid society is defined as group of individuals that regularly hold meetings devoted to the advancement of the culture, conservation and appreciation of orchids. Such a group would fulfill our objectives and be eligible to be a member of the COC.
Any Canadian orchid society may, with the approval of the COC Executive, become an Affiliated Society (i.e. member of the COC). Application for approval shall be made in writing to the COC President and contain information about the applying group as per the application form. Either the COC President or Membership Chair will notify the applicant of their acceptance as an affiliated organization immediately after this decision has been made.
The cost of membership is $2.00 per individual member of any Affiliated Society. This fee is due on December 1st each calendar year and must be paid before December 15th in order to maintain an Affiliated Society in good standing. Societies that apply for affiliated status during the course of any calendar year shall be expected to pay the full amount of $2.00 per each of their members for that year.
Each Affiliated Society will be expected to appoint as COC Representative one of their members in good standing who will act as the liaison between her/his society and the COC. One of the main duties of this COC representative will be to keep the COC informed of their society’s executive contacts and update this information as changes occur.
No Affiliated Society shall have any claim on the COC or its executive members.
The membership fee may be changed from time to time at an AGM of the COC. The status of any COC Affiliated Society may be cancelled at an AGM, following the advice of the COC Executive Council.