Celebrate the diversity and beauty of wild blooming native orchids and wildflowers in their unique natural habitat on the Bruce Peninsula. Naturalist guided hikes, car caravans, photography workshops, celebratory wine & cheese reception and speaker presentations cap this festival, headquartered at Parks Canada Visitor Centre. The events schedule and registration online at www.orchidfest.ca.
The Show will feature beautiful displays of orchids, artistic entries, educational exhibits and a great selection of vendors. Free presentations and demonstrations will be held on the Sunday of the event including a photographers workshop and exclusive photo session on Sunday morning. For more information refer to our website (www.windsororchidsociety.ca) or contact Ed Cott at [email protected]. “A splendid time is guaranteed for all.”
This is an AOS judged show.
Set up on Thursday, March 22nd – 9:00am to 9:00 pm,
Show open to the public, March 23, 24, 25th – 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Click this link to see the poster with all of the show details: